Tag Archives: Deptford

The Secret History of Our Streets

A new 6-part series about London starts on BBC2 this Wednesday 6th June.

Commissioned as part of the BBC London Season, which is counting down to the Olympics, it will see how London has changed since Charles Booth’s survey in 1886. The series looks at a different part of London each week, exploring how each street has come to be the way it is now – a “Who Do You Think You Are for streets”,  says the director.

The first episode focuses on Deptford High Street, which apparently used to be the “Oxford Street of South London”, and is now one of the most deprived areas of London.

No doubt, it will highlight the crazy inequality of housing in London, which is home to both the most expensive and poorest housing (often in the same street). It’s been very clear for a long time, that something needs to be done about housing in London, and hopefully this programme might highlight this further.

The Homes for London campaign, which was set up during last month’s Mayoral elections is worth following. Although, Boris Johnson signed the pledge during his campaign, then claimed to have ‘not read it properly’ during the first Mayor Question Time *sigh*. Something to push him on, then.

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